Maternal-Fetal Medicine Training
We provide didactic and practical experience in maternal-fetal physiology and pathophysiology, medical complications, obstetric complications, perinatal diagnosis and fetal interventions.
Research is important and fellows are expected to complete a first-author prior to graduation. There are multiple research opportunities available for fellows, including those in basic science, fetal intervention and clinical maternal-fetal medicine.
Basic Science Projects
Basis science projects are available in a laboratory to work in collaboration with scientists who have RO1 grants. Their areas of interest include perinatal inflammation, including chorioamnionitis, placental and perinatal iron metabolism, microbiome and chronic inflammation, and mechanical ventilation at birth. Additional collaborations can be arranged based on fellow interests.
Fetal Intervention Projects
Fetal intervention projects will be carried out with maternal-fetal medicine faculty and members of the Fetal Care Institute. Clinical maternal fetal medicine research is carried out by all of our faculty and covers a scope of topics.
Maternal and Perinatal Referral Center
As a major maternal and perinatal referral center, we provide educational and clinical perinatal outreach to referring physicians and multiple hospitals within a 150-mile radius. We have a well-developed diabetes in pregnancy program, as well as robust programs in patient safety and quality improvement. We have high-risk inpatient volume and high-risk outpatient programs, a major fetal evaluation and treatment unit, and we collaborate with perinatal epidemiology in SLU’s College for Public Health and Social Justice.